Sunday, May 3, 2009

Naruto characters - Tayuya


Tayuya (多由也 ?) is the fourth member of the Sound Four introduced in the series. She was the second member of the Sound Four to be created by Masashi Kishimoto, and was intended to be the only girl in a group of boys.[2] She uses a flute in battle to control three demonic beasts named "Doki" that she summons to her side during battle. Though primarily meant to perform the physical attacks she avoids, the beasts can also produce ethereal, snake-like creatures that consume an opponent's chakra.[35] Once her opponents are weakened in this fashion, Tayuya can trap them in illusions she creates with her flute. She attempts to use her many techniques against Shikamaru Nara, but his superior intelligence forces her to rely on brute strength to gain victory.[36] Though she almost succeeds, Temari arrives to help Shikamaru and creates a windstorm that crushes Tayuya under a pile of debris.[32] Her seiyū in the Japanese anime is Akeno Watanabe,[37] and her English voice actor is Kari Wahlgren.[38]

Naruto characters - Sakon and Ukon

Sakon and Ukon

Sakon (左近 ?) and Ukon (右近 ?) are twin brothers who share the same position in the Sound Four. Sakon was the final character in the Sound Four created by Kishimoto, who initially was unable to decide which character for him to fight. After deciding to have him battle Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru in a two-on-two battle, Kishimoto created Ukon to complete the matchup.[2] In battle, Sakon enjoys toying with his opponents, causing him to waste time in battle by using showy techniques. Conversely, Ukon is impatient and likes to end battles quickly. Due to their genetic ability, the brothers can merge their bodies together. Ukon usually resides in Sakon's body, with only his head protruding on Sakon's back.[29] When Sakon battles an opponent, Ukon can protrude his arms and legs from Sakon's body to increase the strength of his attacks and defend his blindspots.[30] Both brothers can also merge with an opponent's body, where they can destroy the opponent's cells from within.[31] Sakon and Ukon manage to overpower Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru in their battle, but Kankuro arrives and kills Sakon and Ukon.[32] In the Japanese anime, the seiyū for both brothers is Shunsuke Sakuya,[33] and their English voice actor is Brian Beacock.[34]

Naruto characters - Kidomaru


Kidomaru (鬼童丸 Kidōmaru?) is the second member of the Sound Four to be introduced in the series. He was the first member of the Sound Four created by Masashi Kishimoto, with his spider-like traits meant to be main aspects of his character.[2] As such, Kidomaru possesses six arms, a third eye, and the ability to excrete webs from his mouth. This webbing, a mixture of body fluids and chakra, is as strong as steel and can ensnare anything that comes into contact with it. He can also produce a golden webbing that hardens upon contact with oxygen, allowing him to make armor or weapons.[24] Kidomaru treats battles as a game and tries to get as much enjoyment from them as possible; when he battles Neji Hyuga, he calls him a "trash character" and looks for weaknesses in Neji's defenses to take advantage of.[25] Despite being near death, Neji manages to defeat Kidomaru.[26] In the Japanese anime, his seiyū is Susumu Chiba,[27] and his English voice actor is Peter Lurie.[28]

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