Sunday, May 3, 2009

Naruto characters - Kidomaru


Kidomaru (鬼童丸 Kidōmaru?) is the second member of the Sound Four to be introduced in the series. He was the first member of the Sound Four created by Masashi Kishimoto, with his spider-like traits meant to be main aspects of his character.[2] As such, Kidomaru possesses six arms, a third eye, and the ability to excrete webs from his mouth. This webbing, a mixture of body fluids and chakra, is as strong as steel and can ensnare anything that comes into contact with it. He can also produce a golden webbing that hardens upon contact with oxygen, allowing him to make armor or weapons.[24] Kidomaru treats battles as a game and tries to get as much enjoyment from them as possible; when he battles Neji Hyuga, he calls him a "trash character" and looks for weaknesses in Neji's defenses to take advantage of.[25] Despite being near death, Neji manages to defeat Kidomaru.[26] In the Japanese anime, his seiyū is Susumu Chiba,[27] and his English voice actor is Peter Lurie.[28]

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