Sunday, May 3, 2009

Naruto characters - Tayuya


Tayuya (多由也 ?) is the fourth member of the Sound Four introduced in the series. She was the second member of the Sound Four to be created by Masashi Kishimoto, and was intended to be the only girl in a group of boys.[2] She uses a flute in battle to control three demonic beasts named "Doki" that she summons to her side during battle. Though primarily meant to perform the physical attacks she avoids, the beasts can also produce ethereal, snake-like creatures that consume an opponent's chakra.[35] Once her opponents are weakened in this fashion, Tayuya can trap them in illusions she creates with her flute. She attempts to use her many techniques against Shikamaru Nara, but his superior intelligence forces her to rely on brute strength to gain victory.[36] Though she almost succeeds, Temari arrives to help Shikamaru and creates a windstorm that crushes Tayuya under a pile of debris.[32] Her seiyū in the Japanese anime is Akeno Watanabe,[37] and her English voice actor is Kari Wahlgren.[38]

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hi, would you like to link exchange with my naruto site? email me at kira777 at

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