Sunday, February 22, 2009

Naruto Characters - Shizune


Shizune (シズネ?) is a Konohagakure ninja introduced in the series as Tsunade's assistant. She left Konohagakure with Tsunade after the death of her uncle, and over the years, Tsunade taught her medical techniques. Despite her medicinal affinity, many of the attacks she uses in the series are poison-based, including using concealed poisoned needles or emitting toxic gas from her mouth.[158]

Shizune is one of the few characters that Tsunade trusts with absolute certainty, as she identifies details that Tsunade tends to overlook. In Part II of the series, Shizune's concern for details causes her to question Tsunade's judgment, creating interference with Tsunade's plans and temporarily straining the relationship between the two.[49] She later investigates Pain, the leader of Akatsuki, but he captures her and removes her soul before she can tell Tsunade of her findings. In the Japanese anime, her seiyū is Keiko Nemoto, and her English voice actor is Megan Hollingshead.[106][159]

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