Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Naruto Games - Nintendo DS Naruto

Naruto Games

Naruto Games - Nintendo DS Naruto
This naruto game seemed pretty short to me (beat it in like 9hours). even in hard some of the missions were not very difficult and there are just a handfull the you have to try over and over to complete.
but what makes it fun is that it is very interactive.for every jutsu, you have to do something on your touch screen like blowing poking points or matching symbols and it does have a large variety of playable characters inclluding the curse mark sound 5 and sasuke and nine tailed naruto that are not in the english version. as for the language barrier once you get the hang of the controls and remember the symbols representing the jutsu all you need is a mission guide which isnt hard to find on the internet a guide for the english version will work too because they are basically the same game ^^
i think that japanese isnt really necesary to enjoy this game , but i guess it would help.

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