Thursday, October 23, 2008

Naruto Character Outline

Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage, sealed the  dangerous Nine-Tailed Demon Fox within Naruto's body, at the cost of his own life leaving him without a family.With the villagers of Konoha always showing him animosity for being the container of the demon fox, Naruto never had a source of love or attention during his early childhood.

Desiring that which he has lacked all his life, Naruto's dream is to become Hokage, the village's protector, hoping that it will bring him the villagers' recognition and respect.To assist him in gaining this title, Naruto possesses a fierce determination, always confident he can complete a given task with relative ease. Naruto's efforts have proven successful as the series progressed, as many characters have reached the conclusion that Naruto will someday be an excellent Hokage.

Since his introduction, Naruto's determination has resulted in some of his traits rubbing off on those around him, such that in Part II his teacher, Kakashi Hatake, notes this to be Naruto's unique power. Gaara, after being defeated by Naruto in battle, discovers that true strength is found in fighting for one's friends, not for oneself. These changes that other characters experience serve as the moral for the part of the story they take place in, and subsequently become the creed for the particular character's life.

Through his ability to change others, Naruto has gained the friends that he lacked during his childhood. Among the many friendships he has formed, none are more prominent in the series than those he has with his two teammates: Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. With Sasuke, Naruto shares a highly competitive relationship that he likens to brotherhood.

Though Sasuke betrays Naruto and the rest of Konoha at the end of Part I, Naruto maintains his attachment to Sasuke, readily lashing out at anyone who speaks poorly of him. With Sakura, Naruto possesses a deep dedication to her, rooted in the crush he has had on her for years. Naruto's commitment to Sakura is such that he will do anything to make her happy, vowing to someday return Sasuke to Konoha for her sake.

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