Saturday, October 25, 2008

Great NARUTO Head Bands

Ways to make a NARUTO Head Bands: 


Search the Internet for Naruto headbands to get a template, or use the link in the tips section.

Find or buy blue cloth,(cotton works best). You can also dye your cloth blue if you cannot find a blue one.

Cut a strip of the cloth about 5 inches wide and however long you need to wrap around your head. Leave enough extra to tie off behind your head.

Next, spray paint the cardboard on one side only, as the paint won't help the fabric glue stick.

Once the paint has dried, use either your pencil, or a darker silver marker to transpose the design of your choice. Using pencil first will allow you to correct your mistakes.

When you are satisfied with the plate, apply fabric glue to the back of the plate and the front of your cloth band and press together firmly. Adding a phone book as a weight will improve bonding. 
When the glue has dried per instructions on the packaging, your headband is complete. 
Don't forget to add three holes to each side.

Have a great day with NARUTO Head Band on your head.

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