Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cosplay As Tsunade from NARUTO

Are you really like NARUTO anime? So many characters in Naruto, one of this is Tsunade, , the Fifth Hokage from Naruto. Do you want to be like Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage from Naruto? Here is an easy way to do so. 



  • Be short tempered. Tsunade is VERY short tempered and will beat Naruto up just for a couple of yen.
  • Gamble. (unless under age). Tsunade gambles on everything and anything.
  • Martial Arts. Take lessons in a form of karate, or judo.
  • Defiance. Defy things that people think they can do but really can't. ("If you can master the Rasengan in 7 days, you can have this here necklace of mine.")
  • Be afraid of blood and freeze when you see it.
  • Of course, be tough. You want everyone to respect you, not look down at you.
  • Dye your hair blonde (if your parents let you)
  • Wear a special necklace that is supposed to be valuable and give it to people that are important to you.
  • Try to use a low-pigtails style for your hair.
  • Find someone who can act as your assistant and who carries a little pig.
  • Learn to enjoy Hot Baths.
  • Always wear a green-colored jacket.

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